Monday, July 8, 2013

Half Of Something Else: a Prelude to Anxiety

Anxiety is a terrible thing to go through. I have been struggling with it well over 15 years. That's a long time considering that I've been struggling with anxiety since I was about 8 years old, which in my eyes is something 8 year olds shouldn't have to deal with. But that's my reality.
I remember the first time I discovered a panic attack; the worst feeling ever. I couldn't breathe, I could barely sleep, and worst of all...I strayed away from people so much because I was worried constantly how I would act and how others would react towards my behavior and I.

Anxiety is broken up into many categories, the only thing that sets apart each stem of anxiety is the severity of it. Another point I should mention is how it correlates with depression. See, for the longest time, I thought I had depression. Sure, I was always depressed and I stayed away from reality like it was the it "emo" if you will, but I found it to be the only disorder I could connect with until recent realization.
Depression and anxiety go hand in hand if you think about it; you get so worked up until it completely numbs you into complete nothingness. All these worries of the world and other thoughts lingering inside your head can really bring you down, which is why a lot of people mistake anxiety for depression. Now that I look back on it, I don't get how that can be overlooked. This is why I am sharing my story.

This coming weds, I am going in to talk to a psychiatrist about my anxiety. For the past 15 years of dealing with it, I believe it's time I actually do something so I don't have to be this other person; half of something else. My behavior has been completely out of control. I haven't been myself lately and many people whom I'm close to are starting to notice...and so I start to panic.

Getting help doesn't mean I am weak and it doesn't mean I am psycho; I just need help to control something I can't do alone. Everyone should realize this and not be afraid to focus on that direction and that is getting better. I had spent at least 8 out of my 15 year battle debating over medication. I have tried herbal remedies which have only been found to be a placebo. In actuality, a lot of our psychological problems can be fixed by the whole "placebo-effect", yet sometimes that isn't enough which is my case. Turning towards "professional medication" route seems idealistic for my case. Just because I am telling an experience from my case doesn't mean it's going to have the same outcome for you. The most important thing to do is get evaluated by a professional. This is the only way you will know for certain.

No one should ever have to experience worry, doubt, fear, etc. Anxiety is a bitch and it can be dealt with easier. Open all options and consider what is best for you. I wish you all whom are struggling the greatest of chances finding hope,

How do you deal with depression/anxiety and what are some of your favorite self-help books that have eased some of the edge? I personally love to read self-help books, so I am asking you!


P.S. This is just a short introduction to my belief on my condition. I am writing a book called "Half of something else" which I hope to release sometime next spring.

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