Monday, July 8, 2013

Battle of the Bug.

There's been something going around work...some kind of virus and I was fortunate enough to catch it. I've been bed-ridden for the past two days, missing work, and deal with a high temp while the outside temp has been hot as well.
I feel stupid terrible about the missing work part...ugh, you have no idea. Unlike some people out there, I actually care about my job. Sure, some days I may not like the end, it's a job and it helps pay for my expenses. 

Today was a lot better than yesterday. I don't have as high of a fever, my head is slowly easing away from a headache, and thankfully, my stomach isn't in a huge knot. I think things are looking up and yes, I am going to work tomorrow.

I am so thankful for my boyfriend for checking on me as well as my mother. I am thankful that this virus didn't turn into anything serious. Most of all...I am thankful that I can eat something without the urge of throwing it up. Life is definitely a lot better.

Dealing with a sickness is tough. I wish I didn't get sick. I wish I could have erased yesterday and stuck it out, but it would have ended badly either way. However, tomorrow is another day and I will make it brand new.

How do you deal with an illness?


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