Friday, June 28, 2013

Families and Finances...

This week I am excited for numerous amount of things...and I will get to that in a moment once I open this discussion with something else on my mind..

First: I had this deep inner realization that being responsible with money (financially independent if you will) IS SUPER HARD! I realize that I am an idiot with the way I handle money and the more I save though I want to compulsively shop my ass off, I find myself acting like a crack head going through withdrawal every time I browse a website. I am in a debtors Anonymous group though I really don't have any debt. I pay my bills on time every month and mostly before it's even due. You would think that for someone who is responsible with paying bills would be super smart about saving money, right?
I had to use my bank's "Checking Advance", which is basically like a loan except it comes right out of your checking when you get money deposited...or ya know, if you decide to pay it back before its due date some other way...yeah, I am terrible at explaining things....

Well in conclusion, I am so bad with money that I had to get one of those and now my check on payday will be smaller because dumbass me had to spend money and use a Checking advance to have money so I can survive. I wish I had more money....but I guess that's why we work. However, this puts everything behind because I want to move out in the fall (Oct-Nov-ish), but I don't see that working out with the way my money management is. I want to save at least 3 grand before I venture. Can I do it? I don't know, but I certainly hope.

NOW....onto things I am excited for:

  • I get to see the love of my life Monday and I could not be any more excited.
  • I am going to see Marilyn Manson on tuesday
  • A good friend of mine is coming up and I cannot wait to catch up and reminisce about the good ole days.

And now something I am not excited for:

  • My five year class reunion. 
Why the hell do I want to see people that never gave a shit about me back then? It's not like I have to justify how I am doing in life. Sure, I live with my mom...maybe not the most glamorous thing in  life, but times are tough and I am in no position to argue a free stay. Besides, I don't completely freeload my mother; I pay my own way plus some of her bills. I am functional.

I want to let everyone know that living with your mom in your twenties is nothing to be ashamed of. Like I stated; times are tough. Money is really tight on my end and maybe it's the same for you as well, but don't consider living with parental units a shameful thing...consider them a roommate if it helps. Now, living with parents in your 30's-40's (unless you're like one of those foreign families that all live together) then that's a different story and then I feel personally that you should start thinking about your life a little more. This does not count for those foreign families and/or if you live to take care of your parents because of financial/medical reasons.

Anyway....I am planning a move...I need to save more money...would like to make more money....yeah there's nothing else I can say...
if y'all have any awesome tips to boost my financial situation, please send 'em my way!

 Even though I'm broke, my spirits are not.


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